• Professional Experience and Education
    • Trunkbow International Holdings, Board Secretary, IR
    • The Core Information Technology Co., Ltd., Marketing & Consulting Department
    • China Finance Online Co., Ltd., Board Secretary
    • Bachelor’s degree in economics & marketing, Beijing Wuzi University
  • Why did you join Piacente?

    Piacente has a passionate, creative and highly collaborative team and I really appreciate the opportunity to be part of it. Before working for Piacente, I was fortunate to get to know the company and the team as their client. When I worked with them in this capacity I was deeply impressed by the high quality of IR services with their quick turnaround times, professional skills and overall dedication. I desire to be an IR expert and I believe Piacente’s sophisticated and strategic approach to investor relations can help me acquire these skills.

  • What aspects of client service do you most enjoy?

    I really enjoy communicating with clients and prospective clients to get a better understanding of their needs. I am able to quickly get a sense for what they’re looking for so that I can anticipate and coordinate resources that help achieve their IR goals effectively and efficiently.

  • How does your background support your position at Piacente?

    For the past 10 years, I have supported C-suite executives at NASDAQ-listed companies where I have participated in a variety of cross-continent investor relations activities. This experience helps me to understand our clients’ and know how best to both anticipate and accommodate their needs.

  • What is the most valuable part of your IR experience that is utilized most often?

    My interpersonal communication skills. Throughout my day, I do a lot of communicating via phone, in-person meetings and/or e-mails with investors, analysts, service vendors and our clients. Prior to joining Piacente, I did a considerable amount of IR planning, preparing earnings documents, SEC filings and investor presentations. I was also responsible for drafting press releases, conducting market research, handling investor inquiries, managing IR databases and stock market surveillance. Planning and critical thinking are crucial elements to working effectively and I utilize these skills on a daily basis.

  • How are Piacente clients unique?

    Each of our clients has different IR goals – some desire to increase institutional ownership, others are trying to attract more analyst coverage. Others want to improve their communications or have greater visibility into market trends and improve their competitive intelligence. At Piacente, we tailor each of our programs to suit these needs with strategic initiatives and seamless execution to help our clients succeed.